Being an architect is not a career option but it’s a never ending life long journey. As an architect, I always have people asking what I really do in buildings? And to my surprise I realize most people not even have slightest idea what an architect really does.
To be an Architect is the hardest career choice anyone can make. Most of the students choose Architecture as their career considering that they genius at drawing, or have good sketching skills. Once they get into, they simply wants to quit considering its enormous possibilities with never ending learning.
Being an Architect was always my first career choice. From my primary school only, I can remember, I have always wanted to be an architect. Pursuing my passion for architecture was definitely the best decision I have ever made in my life. After spending last 15 years of my life in this profession, I continue to be just as excited about the subject and the profession as I was on my first day of Architecture College.
In my belief, there are a thousand of reasons to fall in love with this profession and to become an architect. In this piece of information I’ll try to shift your paradigm from “Why should I become an Architect?” to “Should I become an Architect?”
Here are my best 5 reasons on why YOU should think of becoming an Architect?
Architects creativity improves living standards for many
The most beautiful aspect of architecture as a profession is to witness constant improvements in living standards of individuals, families, communities, living in or around your building designed. Of course, designing buildings is in itself a fulfilling creative pursuit; but even beyond that you are allowed, and in fact encouraged, to have a style which can manifest beyond your work. We always want to create a better world for everyone, and architects worldwide have been working on that to this day. Practicing architecture allows you to impact people’s lives and change them for the better.
Architecture is a life long journey
We never think our Architecture work as a ‘job.’ Our passion for beautiful change in world and in buildings designs goes much deeper. Architecture is our life long journey. Our learning or work never comes to an end. An architect is usually a specialist at literally everything. The exciting part of being architect is about learning and updating ourselves with a wide array of theories from almost every different field. An architect can never have too much knowledge. Every project is a new chance to include new technology, innovative ideas, and new processes.
Your work will be constantly making you hero after life too
Unlike many contemporary career choices, the greatest advantage of being an architect is having a lifetime’s work that remains after you’re gone from this planet. You will be living a life much larger and longer in fact you’ll be immortal because the buildings that you’ll be designing will be standing for centuries. Your building will become an icon of your city, or for your country. It will be an important landmark in the map of the world. People across the globe will feel proud seeing your buildings; they will specially come from different parts of the world to witness you and your building.
Architecture Colleges have most interested way of teaching
No doubt studying Architecture will be one of the hardest things you’ll be doing in your life, but it is also a very fun and exciting time because of the dynamism in your experience. Unlike other courses, worldwide Architecture has no syllabus!! Architecture is just like an ocean where it is must to gain knowledge and theories from other fields also such as History, Economics, Philosophy, Law, etc. Due to architecture’s wide-ranging knowledge set, many architecture programs advocate interdisciplinary learning for their students, meaning that you will either have a wide range of topics embedded within your architecture classes, or you will get the opportunity to take varied classes ranging from environmental studies, to computer science.
We are specialized at everything just everything
There is no such thing as having too much knowledge as an architect. Each new project is a window for inquiry into new technology, theories of organization, or methods of construction. To articulate this information in your building designs, you need to very quickly understand expert knowledge on the specific technique that you wish to include in order to collaborate with corresponding professionals. As maestros of the orchestra that is the whole construction team, architects become specialists at everything. I’ve learned that ‘Every building you design will teach you complete different architecture all together’ It is just like learning 5 years of Architecture every single time from scratch.